ROSCLAR team interview | Norman Gil

In this exclusive conversation, we delve into the outstanding career and skills of Norman Gil, Local Payroll Specialist in the Production 4 Department at Rosclar.

With a solid background in Labor Relations, Norman has established himself as an expert in payroll management and advisory. Throughout his career, he has demonstrated exceptional ability to ensure the precise and efficient fulfillment of payroll obligations, providing fundamental support for employee well-being.

Additionally, we’ve discovered a more personal aspect of Norman: his confessed passion for planning trips. This interest not only reflects his meticulous and organized approach but also adds an intriguing dimension to his professional profile, which we will explore in detail during the interview.

When and how did you start working at ROSCLAR?

I was contacted by a headhunter around 2014 for a position at Rosclar. I finally joined in 2016.

What does it mean to be a Local Payroll Specialist? / What is your specialty?

Considering the type of clients we manage, whose primary contact is outside of Spain and who may not have a deep understanding of our complex labor system, our main task is to anticipate what the client will need and advise them in advance so that they can comply with the strict obligations and deadlines we have. In other words, it’s not just about managing payroll, but about intuiting what the client needs and advising them on how to handle it correctly.

I am highly specialized in Spanish payroll, which I have been doing for about 15 years, though my specialty is using and programming Excel to manage tasks quickly.

What is a day like for you at ROSCLAR?

Although payroll is a cyclical job where every month involves almost the same tasks, Rosclar has a very particular client profile, mostly located outside of Spain, with very diverse inquiries.

It’s impossible to say that when I arrive at the office, I will be doing a specific job. The client might need any unforeseen task and require our assistance in various areas. You never know what you’ll find when you open your email and what you’ll be dedicating the next few hours to, which, in my view, makes the work very interesting.

What are the biggest challenges of your profession? Or any success stories you would like to share with us?

Without a doubt, managing the pressure generated by the very tight and strict deadlines we deal with in Spain. The experience of dealing with HR contacts outside of Spain leads me to believe that other countries are much more flexible, so it’s not just about meeting deadlines but also about intuiting what the client is “up to” and trying to advise them to carry out the steps in time and in accordance with our legislative framework.

What are the latest trends in your specialty? Will they be incorporated into Rosclar?

The cloud. We have certainly been moving towards a cloud-based management system for many years, and if there’s something that characterizes Rosclar, it’s its investment in staying up-to-date with technology and applying it. I can’t say that it will be incorporated into Rosclar because it’s already part of our daily routine, and its presence will simply increase.

What do you value most about working at a company like ROSCLAR?

The total flexibility and human approach. The time control we have at Rosclar is something that, while it obviously exists, is completely invisible to us. Practically speaking, we don’t have a strict 9 to 5 schedule; we have a schedule that we tacitly agree upon with the client, and as long as we meet this, in terms of delivering and responding to their inquiries on time, the traditional time system is secondary.

Any advice for companies that need payroll services?

I won’t say to trust Rosclar, because that’s obvious. Our leadership position in the sector speaks for itself. I do advise staying up-to-date with the deadlines and requirements surrounding people management. As I’ve reiterated several times before, the Spanish framework is very strict, and missing deadlines can have an impact on the company quite easily.

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